This site contains information about our medical activities in the specialty of Assisted Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, know better what we do and especially what we can do for you.
Through this website we will know better and you can contact us at any time for anyquery.
Welcome to Repro Sintex

Institutional information

Repro Sintex is a Centre for Assisted Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, founded by Dr. Xavier Julve in 2003, the result of our joining with the URA (Assisted Reproduction Unit) of Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona.
Since 2013, Dr. Robin Julve, specialist in Ginecology and Obstetrics, has also been working with new ideas regarding non-invasive surgical treatments, high-resolution obstetric ultrasounds and 3D-4D, and assisted reproduction procedures.
The URA, is administratively located on floor 0 in Teknon Medical Center, while our medical office is located on the 2nd. floor of Vilana Offices of the medical center at the office 168.
The activity of the treatments of Assisted Reproductive Medicine, are completed in the URA Teknon Medical Center.
Having just celebrated our 8 year anniversary, we have established ourselves as a reference center in assisted reproduction both nationally and internationally.
In recent years, there have been in the URA over 2000 cycles of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), 1000 cycles Egg Donation by "Dona-Dona Program", and counted about 1000 births.
This represents a rate of pregnancies between 50 and 70% of the total cycles of assisted reproduction, numbers that put our center in the world elite within our specialty.
Our services

Repro Sintex (private center por assisted reproduction treatments) is a prestigious institution in Spain and Europe, and is authorized by both catalanish and spanish laws to make all techniques of assisted reproduction.
Since 2003 we have joined in the URA (Assisted Reproduction Unit) of Centro Medico Teknon in Barcelona, world-famous hospital.
The URA is composed of more 20 people, between gynecologist, biologist, andrologist, psichologist-sexologist, and auxiliar staff.
-INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION (IUI) with partner semen or with bank semen
-IVF-ET (In Vitro Fertilization with Embryo Transfer)
-IVF-ICSI (In vitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Fertilization)
-Egg Donation
-Embryo Donation
-PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)
-Frozen semen
-Preservation of fertility
The age limit for women receiving oocytes is 50 years.
Egg donors are between 18 and 35 years, and must undergo a gynecologic, ultrasound, analytical (blood test for infectiuos and hereditary diseases) screening, and review of maximum comaptibility between donor and recipient
Our waiting list for making an egg donation is 2 month approximately.
The pregnancy rate with oocyte donation is about 70%.
To place an egg donation cycle is necessary:
-An interview in our office for exchange all information
-Have a much information about your medical history
-Perform a pelvic and ultrasound examination to assess the proper health of your uterus and endometrium.
-A Photo of the couple.
-Get a semen sample ( check the quality and to save a fraction frozen in our reproduction laboratory)
Repro Sintex. Centro Medico Teknon
Xavier Julve, M.D. (Gynecologist)
Vilana Building. Office 164. 1st. floor
Vilana Street, 12 -08022 Barcelona- (Spain)
Tf: +34933933164 Fax: +34933933064
We hope this information has been helpful for you!